2 to 6 December 2024 | Perth, WA

Pitching Fundamentals with Dave Newman and Scott Glew

Key Insights:

  • Conciseness is crucial: A pitch should convey a startup’s core value proposition within three minutes to maintain attention and interest, much like a captivating movie trailer invites an audience to see the full film.
  • Clear messaging beats complexity: Pitches must be straightforward and articulate, focusing on the problem, solution, and business model without overloading with features or vague concepts.
  • Traction and validation matter: Demonstrating real-world use and interest in the product is essential, as it provides proof of concept and minimises perceived investment risk
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The fundamentals of a successful pitch outlined by Dave and Scott focus on the art of conciseness and clarity, outlining the necessity to engage an audience effectively within the typically brief three-minute pitch window.

They suggest focusing on the core elements of the pitch—problem, solution, market opportunity, business model, traction, team, competition, and the ask.

They provide tips to avoid 5 common mistakes:

Unclear messaging, ignoring competition, lacking validation, a vague business model, and feature stuffing.

The overarching goal is to convey a compelling story with confidence and factual backing to attract potential investors and partners.

Morning Startup is streamed live by PerthVideo.com.au – you can also catch other episodes here: https://perthvideo.com.au/morning-startup-perth/